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The Downsize DC Army is growing!
We set a goal. We exceed it. We set the next goal a bit higher. Then we hit that.
Lather. Rinse. Repeat. Indeed, we did repeat our successes for five straight weeks before our streak was broken. Time to get back on the saddle.
Here are our current targets…
- Our best week for new subscriber recruitment in July was 242. So, we’re aiming to exceed 250 new DC Downsizers this week.
- We’re adding in a new metric for achievement. Our best activism week last month — meaning, most letters sent to Congress — 631 advocates sent messages to Congress. This week, we’re shooting for 700 letter senders.
Meeting and exceeding these targets is important for two BIG reasons…
- We are trying to find and mobilize the 33 million people who either self-identify as libertarian or who take libertarian positions on most of the issues.
- We are trying to do for our issues what the anti-immigration forces have accomplished, (despite being a minority opinion) — make Congress fear them.
We can achieve that second goal by constantly increasing the number of libertarian messages that flood Congress. Here’s your latest opportunity to contribute to that goal.
The end of Net Neutrality has finally made it possible to only buy the specific cable channels you want. To learn more, look at our latest letter to Congress. If you like the letter, send it to your reps, or put it in your own words.
You can also help the Downsize DC Army grow much faster by supporting our advertising program. Our bi-weekly goal for new monthly pledges is $101, and the goal for one-time donations is $1,225. Please help us exceed that objective too!
Start a monthly pledge or make a one-time donation.
Thank you for being an ACTIVE DC Downsizer,
Jim Babka & Perry Willis
Downsize DC
One Comment
Well because of net neutrality I can barely afford what I pay now and I am having to seriously consider not having Internet at all it’s beyond my expenditures so if it gets any worse and the internet is getting even worse they’ve changed it I won’t be able to be receiving your emails anymore may have to go back to just old fashioned snail mail I’ve been with you since you only had 35 thousand people