Monthly Archives: August 2011
What Republican Would Say Such Things?
FOUR Congressional action items that no leading GOPer would advocate, and a word to the simple-minded who think we’re “in the pockets of the Koch brothers.” Hint: They’ve never given us a dime.
Patriot Act Deployed Against Wikileaks
The State hates those who expose wrongdoing.
Now Playing At Security Theater: The Sting
Most terrorist plots are concocted by the FBI.
Statism means always having to pay other people’s bills
Did the politicians steal $103 million to give you broadband cable?
Shocking Evidence: Balanced Budget Amendment Is a Ruse
Several leading Republicans would have us believe that a Balanced Budget Amendment is a good idea because 49 states have such a requirement. As Dr. Phil might say, “How’s that working out?”
I rage against cuts that don’t cut
I point out to Congress that I know they didn’t really cut anything.
Set the Terms of Debate
Frequently, we let our Statist opponents frame the debate. They choose the terms, and we fight on their ground.
NEW at the Downsize DC Foundation: “OUR LEXICON: Dragnets vs. Safety Nets”
We have no social safety net. Instead, we have dragnets.
Our Lexicon: Dragnets vs. Safety Nets
This idea comes from economist and investment writer Mark Skousen: “Government welfare programs — if they should exist at all — should be limited to helping those who really need assistance. They should be safety nets, not dragnets that capture everyone.” — Mark Skousen, “Econopower,” page 55