Monthly Archives: May 2015
Opposing two non-reform “reform” surveillance bills is one of 51 organizations that sent this letter to Senate leadership expressing opposition to two Patriot Act “compromise” bills …
Thanking Senators who oppose the Patriot Act extension is one of 18 organizations that sent the following letter thanking Senators who opposed an extension of the Patriot Act last weekend…
Ron Paul endorsed Read the Bills
Listen to Ron Paul endorse RTBA…
URGENT! On Monday, will they be spying on you?
Your action could answer that question.
The Pentagon doesn’t like the Freedom of Information Act
The Defense Department wants broad, new, and unnecessary exemptions to the Freedom of Information Act.
Patriot Act VICTORY! URGENT action still needed!
We need to drive a stake through the heart of the Patriot Act!
URGENT: Patriot Act’s funeral?
An opportunity created by Rand Paul’s filibuster
Should you need security clearance to read the bill?
Know what’s in the TPP before voting for it
Bills passed in Congress, April 2015
The following are the bills the House and Senate passed last month.
Bills passed in Congress, March 2015
The following are the bills the House and Senate passed in March.