Monthly Archives: October 2017
Are you being shut-out and excluded?
Are you being shut-out from the new Downsizer-Dispatch? TIP: Everyone that OPENS this message will likely get it only ONCE. At Downsize DC, we’ve implemented new technology. Doing something the…
How and why politicians exploit Veterans Day
Those who fail to learn from history end up harming veterans
End U.S. involvement in Yemen’s Civil War
Downsize DC has joined 64 other organizations in asking Congress to end U.S. involvement in Yemen’s civil war. We have signed a coalition letter in support of House Concurrent Resolution 81,…
Another Supreme Court success!!
With another potential victory just around the corner Help us protect your vehicles from warrantless searches. Retweet Our amicus briefs to the Supreme Court have changed the world. Our lawyers…
Wherein we Thank and then Spank Donald Trump
Trump’s done something good, he’s done something bad You can now tell the President what you think at Downsize DC Retweet Today marks the return of the Downsizer-Dispatch! The Downsizer-Dispatch…
Be sure to open TOMORROW’s message
The Downsizer-Dispatch is back, tomorrow! Retweet That means we’re going to turn up the intensity. We’re going to be delivering more Actions to you more often. Your point-n-click, bathrobe activism…
NEW CAMPAIGN: Become an engager!
Tell Congress you want cultural engagement, not military isolationism. Retweet In our most recent messages, we presented a thought-provoking article. In Why Non-Interventionism is NOT sufficient, Jim Babka argues that…
Did you miss the article they’re talking about?
Regime change, non-interventionist style! Retweet Last Thursday, we sent out an editorial by Jim Babka titled, Why Non-Interventionism is NOT sufficient. It’s getting rave reviews, and it’s being shared by…
Is there a better way to do regime change?
How you can achieve better regime change without all the messy violence. Retweet Because “war is the health of the state”… We’re trying to change how people think about foreign…
Why Non-Interventionism is NOT sufficient
By Jim Babka, Downsize DC I considered myself a non-interventionist for many years. Now I advocate regime change! It’s not the kind favored by military interventionists. I’m not adopting that…