Monthly Archives: June 2018
4 things politicians want before you can get what you want
NEWS FLASH: The One Subject at a Time Act now has 27 sponsors! Retweet Rep. Scott Tipton [R-CO-3] has become the 27th sponsor of HR 395, the One Subject at…
The One Subject at a Time Act has a 27th co-sponsor
GREAT NEWS! Rep. Scott R. Tipton (R) of Colorado District 3 is the 27th co-sponsor of the One Subject at a Time Act! Retweet Now how do we get #28,…
Get a pardon for Edward Snowden on his birthday
It’s Edward Snowden’s birthday. Tell President Trump to pardon him. Retweet Peeping-Toms are creepy. But it’s even worse when the peeper is your own government. Catching Peeping-Toms is heroic. It’s…
Should the FDA have power over you?
Downsize DC wants to make the FDA advisory, not dictatorial. Retweet We’re bringing back a bunch of old Downsize DC campaigns, starting with Make the FDA Advisory, not mandatory. More…
VICTORY: You and the Downsize DC Army passed a bill!
Does anything good ever happen? The answer, dear libertarian, is yes. Retweet Full marijuana legalization seems to be drawing nearer with every passing day, something we’ve promoted repeatedly and recently. …
One Subject at a Time Sponsors 115th Congress
Rep. Mia Love [R-UT-4] reintroduced the One Subject at a Time Act (HR 395) as part of the 2017-’18 session of Congress. This bill… Prevents Congressional leaders from clustering unwanted…