Can you guess our main desire for 2018?
Could one simple daily action lead to major changes in Congress? Retweet Here’s the one thing we most want in 2018… More daily pressure on Congress from more and more…
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Tagged Downsize DC Agenda, Jim Babka, Mia Love, One Subject at a Time Act, Perry Willis, Read the Bills Act
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See the mailing Rep. Mia Love did about the One Subject at a Time Act
Help the One Subject at a Time Act gain its 27th congressional sponsor. Retweet Can we achieve new things in the New Year? If so, then Downsize DC must do…
Posted in Blog
Tagged Downsize DC, HR 395, Jim Babka, Mia Love, One Subject at a Time Act, OSTA, Perry Willis, Representative Mia Love
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Can you name the main obstacle to libertarian success?
Looking for libertarians who want to succeed. Do you qualify? Retweet Quote of the day: “Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only…
Can we give our One Subject at a Time Act a Facebook face?
How many asked their reps to co-sponsor the One Subject at a Time Act? Retweet In last week’s plans & progress reports, we informed you… Downsize DC has a record…