Monthly Archives: May 2006
Babka on Tony Macrini + Urgent Action Item
Babka on Tony Macrini + Urgent Action Item
Last thing for May
Today’s Downsizer-Dispatch . . .:::
This will be an exciting week. And the coming month should be one to remember. On Friday, we’ll explain why. But today I’ll explain the gameplan for the next seven days. :::
Where have you been?
Today’s Downsizer-Dispatch…::::::It’s unusual that the first Downsizer-Dispatch you’ve received this week would come on a Thursday. We’ve even got people asking us, “Where have you been? Is Congress taking a vacation? Are things all-right in Washington?” With Congress? Of course not. ::::::But for, nearly everything has been going swimmingly. Each month we’ve grown. Each month we’ve made progress. We’ve recently had our first (albeit minor) victory. And, thanks to your inspiration, we’ve had two Congressmen introduce watered-down versions of the Read the Bills Act. ::::::The future is indeed bright. ::::::But then, there’s still a challenge. Around here, we call it the “lagging indicator.”
Downsize DC Conference Call – May 14, 2006 edition
Once again, my apologies for posting this almost a week late. ::::::If you want to hear the archive of the show, please click on the “attachment” located at the bottom of this blog posting. ::::::On today’s show…
Downsize DC Conference Call – May 7, 2006 edition
OK, first, an apology. This entry should’ve been posted two weeks ago… ::::::What’s the significance of the resignation of the CIA Director, Porter Goss? You might be surprised by the answer. In fact, I broke news on this program about
Demand Questions, Not More Spy Funds & A Media Appearance
Today’s Downsizer-Dispatch…::::::URGENT ACTION ITEM ::::::Americans are reaching the breaking point with the Bush Administration’s abuse of power, and with last week’s revelations about more illegal spying, Congress is finally taking notice.::::::We now know that three major telephone companies are helping the Bush administration amass what one source called “the largest database ever assembled.” The President’s illegal National Security Agency (NSA) spying program is tracking the calls and communications of millions of ordinary Americans – like you. ::::::Why is this urgent?
Progress Report
Today’s Downsizer-Dispatch . . .:::
* Media report:::* Media action item:::* New interview you can hear:::* Meet-Up Groups:::* RTBA Coalition:::* Our gas tank:::
Your loved one suffers
Today’s Downsizer-Dispatch . . .:::
Please forward to caring friends . . .:::
Someone you love has cancer or HIV or chronic pain. They vomit constantly. Their medications won’t stay down. They face death, and constant misery on the way to death. How can you sit idly by and watch them suffer and decline? :::
You must act! You must do something! But what?:::
Urgent! House votes tomorrow!
Today’s Downsizer-Dispatch . . .:::
The House votes on the Agriculture appropriations bill tomorrow (HR 5384). This bill includes funding for the cumbersome, bloated, destructive, National Animal Identification System (NAIS). Congressman Ron Paul is offering an amendment to the bill that would block funding for NAIS. We need to support this amendment!:::
Send a message to Congress. Insert language asking them to support Congressman Ron Paul’s amendment to HR 5384 to block funding for NAIS. You can do so here.:::
Thank you for being a DC Downsizer!:::
Jim, Inc.
Buzz Babka
Today’s Downsizer-Dispatch . . .:::
Jim Babka would like the pleasure of your company on THE DOWNSIZE DC CONFERENCE CALL today.:::
You can hear the show at Click on Listen Live and choose one of the first two channels to get the free feed. You can also call-in to talk to Jim on the air at 1-800-259-9231 :::
The show is broadcast live at … :::Eastern: 5pm – 6pm :::Central: 4pm – 5pm :::Mountain: 3pm – 4pm :::Pacific: 2pm – 3pm :::Alaska: 1pm – 2pm :::Hawaii: Noon – 1pm :::
Thank you for being a DC Downsizer.:::
Perry Willis:::Communications, Inc. :::