Monthly Archives: April 2015
Opposing the Pentagon Slush Fund
Congress shouldn’t circumvent the spending caps that Congress itself enacted.
NEW CAMPAIGN: 28 pages that could change the world
Is the War on Terror based on lies?
Mitch McConnell wants to invade your privacy for 5 more years
Without giving you more security
Opposing the Senate’s “Cybersecurity” Bill joined 54 activist groups, activists, and experts in sending a letter to each Senator in opposition to the Protecting Cyber Networks Act.
Opposing the House “Cybsersecurity” Bill joined 54 activist groups, activists, and experts in sending a letter to each member of the House in opposition to the Protecting Cyber Networks Act.
Could you benefit from the FDA while NOT obeying it?
Should you be able to opt-out of coercive State programs?
Stop the Wild West cyber-surveillance bill
CISA is warrantless spying disguised as cyber security
Stop the FDA from trampling individual conscience
Help those who need you now, or you could be next
Can we restore your online freedom?
Pass the Surveillance State Repeal Act!
GreenMedInfo – Action Item link
One of the links in the GreedMedInfo update was incomplete. The letter writing campaign is located here: Make the FDA Advisory, Not Mandatory