Monthly Archives: July 2018
How to end the Federal Reserve monopoly without abolishing the Fed
This one page Ron Paul bill will end the Federal Reserve monopoly. Retweet We want to subject Congress to more and more libertarian pressure every week. You can further that…
PODCAST Returns: Deep thoughts on immigration opposition
New episode of Jim Babka’s Post-Statist Review podcast Retweet The podcast is back! It’s the fourth episode. You can listen here: Topics Covered… What’s really going on when people…
Jim Babka’s Post-Statist Review podcast #4
Episode #4, What’s the distinction between immigration and naturalization? …the difference between a property line and a national border? And what’s really going on with people concerned about immigrants coming to…
How to stop legislation by unelected bureaucrats
Disempower bureaucrats. Discover Downsize DC’s clever plan Retweet Action: Tell your reps to sponsor WTLA (the Write the Laws Act). This is the third reform bill in our Downsize DC…
Can an algorithm pass the Read the Bills Act?
Ask your reps to sponsor the Read the Bills Act at least once per month Retweet Today’s Action: Tell your reps to sponsor Downsize DC’s Read the Bills Act The rest…
If unilateral free trade is too radical for you, try this
Ask President Trump to clarify his trade goals Retweet Last week, we launched a campaign asking for unilateral free trade. We made some powerful arguments… So-called fair trade is a fraud…
Most libertarians will NOT believe the FACTS in this article
Which is harder, replacing or influencing Congress? Retweet To replace Congress, you must win a plurality of the vote in a majority of the districts. That’s hard. Even then, there’s…
This bill will give you the power to make some federal spending decisions
A bill that would let YOU choose between Habitat for Humanity and HUD. Retweet First, some good news… We set out last week to attract 58 new DC Downsizers through…
Help the Senate legalize hemp!
The Senate legalized hemp. The next step belongs to you. Retweet Who says nothing good ever happens in Congress? We have rising support for the One Subject at a Time…