Monthly Archives: July 2019
Find a new sponsor for the Read the Bills Act
Congress would pass very few bad bills if we made them #ReadtheBills before voting Retweet Action item: Find a new sponsor for the Read the Bills Act! Update: The Downsize…
FDA threatens dogs everywhere
Will the FDA harm your dog the same way they harmed America’s waistline? Retweet Today’s action: Make the FDA advisory rather than dictatorial The FDA’s (Food & Drug Administration) dietary…
Are you about to have MORE amicus success?
Happy 15th Anniversary to plus more amicus success Retweet In this message… Very promising news in one of our amicus battles! Jim Babka at Freedom Fest. Our new website….
Say Goodbye to OLD Downsize DC
For our upcoming 15th Anniversary, we’re saying goodbye to old Downsize DC Retweet We’re doing away with two (2) long-term staples of our business. There’s going to be some radical…
President Trump should cut these taxes!
Could high tariffs plus a stock market bubble threaten prosperity? Retweet Today’s Action: Tell Congress and President Trump to adopt Downsize DC’s trade policy. Does America have a trade policy?…