Monthly Archives: June 2007

Include the anti-war candidates

Please share with concerned friends and Digg this. . .
:::Quote of the Day:
:::“The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them.” — George Orwell
:::Subject: Include the anti-war candidates in all presidential debates
:::The War in Iraq is the second biggest expansion of the federal government during the Bush administration. It is also the most disastrous. The war in Iraq is also is the biggest issue of the day. But some in the Republican Party want to stick their heads in the sand and pretend the problem doesn’t exist.
:::We want to make them choke on that sand.
:::So far there is only one Republican candidate for President who is daring to oppose the war in Iraq — Congressman Ron Paul. As we saw after the FoxNews debate, the Big Government crowd in the Republican Party wants to silence the anti-war viewpoint by silencing Ron Paul.
:::Ron Paul has been excluded from the June 30th presidential forum in Des Moines, Iowa. Because candidates who will speak against war provide an educational function that must be heard by the public

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Pass this amendment

Today’s Downsizer Dispatch . . .::::::Please share with concerned friends . . .::::::Quote of the Day:::::::”All change starts with a distant rumble, a rumble at the grassroots level, and if you stop and listen today, you will hear such a rumble right now.” — Senator Tom Coburn (OK)::::::Subject: Pass Amendment #1236 to the Senate immigration bill::::::The first votes for amendments to the cancerous immigration bill may happen in the Senate as soon as today, so ACTION TODAY is urgently needed.

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Stop Biometric Social Security cards

Today’s Downsizer Dispatch . . .::::::Please share with concerned friends . . .::::::Quote of the Day:::::::”It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people’s minds.” — Sam Adams::::::Subject: Biometric Social Security cards::::::Senator Chuck Schumer wants to amend the immigration bill to require you to get a new Social Security card with biometric information imbedded in it. Creating this new card would . . .

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Downsize DC Conference Call – June 17, 2007 edition

Part II with the Director of 9/11: Press for Truth. ::::::The show was previewed in Sunday’s blog post.::::::The show is available for your listening pleasure in mp3 format. Just click on the “attachment” to this blog post. ::::::Sponsors: and Gun Owners of America

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Zombie Immigration

Today’s Downsizer Dispatch . . .::::::Please share with concerned friends . . .::::::Subject: The Zombie Immigration bill and REAL ID::::::It was dead, but now it walks the Earth again. The bloated 700+ page immigration bill that died last week has come back to life. What strange voodoo has re-animiated this corpse? In a word . . .

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Getting into the specifics

It’s Sunday. At 4 PM Eastern (3 PM Central, 2 PM Mountain, and 1 PM Pacific), it will be time for another episode of The Downsize DC Conference Call (radio show).
:::My guest today will be Ray Nowosielski, the producer and director of 9/11: Press for Truth.
:::No, this is not a repeat of last week’s show.
:::This will be a completely different show where we discuss specifics — that is, the specific failures (those thoroughly documented by mainstream sources) — that should result in investigation, firings, and prosecutions.
:::Yes, these failures in intelligence and potential cover-ups exist. They are not figments of our imagination. They don’t indicate a conspiratorial bent. 
:::BUT THEY ARE REAL and SUFFICIENT, in and of themselves, to call into question

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The President Wants Congress to Read the Bills

Today’s Downsizer Dispatch . . .::::::Subject: The President Wants Congress to Read the Bills::::::QUOTE
:::”The RTBA: Read the Bills Act would make it a requirement that proposed legislation be posted to the internet for 7 days prior to a vote in Congress and that the bills actually be read in Congress before the vote. Sounds like a good idea. Of course, it wouldn’t be possible to have gargantuan complicated bills so Congress would need to change the way they approach the task of legislation.”
:::-from the blog Connecticut Taxed
:::* President is frustrated with members of Congress who didn’t read the bill.
:::* Last Week in Congress
:::* New RTBA Coalition Member
:::President George Bush made two illuminating points in remarks he made two weeks ago.  Speaking of Congressional critics of the proposed 790-page Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill (S. 1348), Bush said,
:::“Oh, I’m sure you’ve heard some of the talk out there about people defining the bill. It’s clear they hadn’t read the bill. They’re speculating about what the bill says, and they’re trying to rile up people’s emotions.”
:::Later on, he said,
:::“Those determined to find fault with this bill will always be able to look at a narrow slice of it and find something they don’t like. If you want to kill the bill, if you don’t want to do what’s right for America, you can pick one little aspect out of it, you can use it to frighten people.”

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Something you can show your friends

Today’s Downsizer Dispatch . . .::::::Subject: Something you can show your friends::::::Imagine your Congressman before a large audience. Someone stands and asks him, “Do you think you should be able to pass unpopular legislation by combining it with a popular, but completely unrelated bill?”::::::How could he answer yes, in front of all those people?::::::Imagine challengers supporting the “One Subject at a Time Act” as a way of attacking incumbents. How much pressure of this kind would it take before Congress yields and passes the “One Subject at a Time Act” (OSTA)?::::::OSTA is a tool. OSTA is a weapon. OSTA, like the “Read the Bills Act,” is designed to . . .::::::* Expose Congress:::* Embarass Congress:::* Corner Congress:::* And make Congress pay a price for upsizing the Federal Monopoly::::::If Congress can’t pass bad bills by combining them with good bills, if every measure has to stand and fall on its own merits alone, then Congress will have to work much harder to make the Federal Monopoly grow. And we won’t have to work quite as hard to make it downsize. ::::::OSTA is a way of making Congress defend itself. OSTA turns the tables. Instead of us always defending against what they’re doing, we can play offense for a change, and make Congress defend itself against what we’re doing. ::::::OSTA is the kind of reform most Americans would support. It can help us attract a large army to exert relentless, inescapable, resistance numbing pressure on Congress. And when that happens . . .

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One Subject at a Time Act

Today’s Downsizer Dispatch . . .::::::Subject: One Subject at a Time Act::::::This message has only one subject: the “One Subject at a Time Act.”

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Coalition action

Coalition action

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